The power of Art in Uncertain times...

We are all in this together..that's what I keep saying to others and to myself.It is still overwhelming because this is nothing like anything anyone in this period of history has ever dealt with..I'm not an expert but the necessity for extreme health care is necessary as people are becoming more and more anxious.This will pass but it will forever affect our futures. So take care of your diet, take care of your body, take care of your mind. Now the mind,that's where the real work comes in. I being a creative take solace in painting during this time. I find that slipping away from the world through my paintbrush has helped tremendously. This quiet practice has allowed me to remain calm, to quiet the mind from what could be damaging thoughts. I turn on my music, I prefer jazz, and then I look at the colors in front of me..I choose not to paint anything specifically. I just let the brush take me wherever it needs to..I try to submit..The news is so toxic right now , so I only engage in no more than two shows a day. It really helps. I also try to tell others to write, to sing, to create, to do whatever it takes to keep the mind and the hands busy.Art is healing and in this time when the world is cleansing itself..its is truly useful...So please indulge, you don't need to be trained,just let go, and just create...

We will get through this and we will get through this together....